April 25-28, 2019
1616 N Main St, Princeton IL 61368
Proceeds from this event go to support the Tri County Humane Society.
1616 N Main St, Princeton IL 61368
Proceeds from this event go to support the Tri County Humane Society.
This is an official UpDog trial. Classes offered: Thursday-4 Way Play 10 Rounds Checkin 2 pm Starts at 3 pm Friday-Frizgility 10 rounds Checkin 2 pm Starts at 3 pm Sat-Far Out 10 Rounds Checkin 7 am Starts at 8 am Sun-Throw and Go 10 Rounds Checkin 7 am Starts at 8 am Categories: Snitches: Dogs under 16" Firebolt: Open Dogs Nimbus 2000: Dogs 8 years old or older Seekers: Junior Handler must be 14 years or younger You must pick a category to compete in at check in. Prizes: Prizes for the top 10 placements in each category each day. Only 1 placement per team. Only a team's highest score counts towards placements. |
Diving Dogs--UKC
UKC Fun Run: $10/splash Fri Check in Noon Start time 1 pm Sat Check in 10 am Start Time 11 am Sun Check in 10 am Start Time 11 am Catergories: Featherweight-dogs under 16" tall at the withers Standard-open to all dogs Veteran- Dogs must be 8 years or older Junior handler-handler must be 16 years old or under. The Finals Bubble will be announced at the end of the day. The top 5 dogs in each division and category will have a jump off for placements. Each dog can only participate in one category. This is a fun run and jumps will not count towards titles by UKC. Try its are available for $10/5 min. These will be worked in between splashes. Prizes: Prizes will be awarded at the end of each day (after all jumps are completed or 7 pm, whichever comes first). Prizes for the top 10 placements in each category each day. |
Tickets available Sat and Sun Drawing Sun at 1 |
Hot Dogs and Hamburgers available Sat and Sun for lunch |
T-shirt sales: