UP Dog Disc Competitions
Day of entries accepted until full. We will play until dark, but commonly finish by 4-5. Entries can be emailed to [email protected] $10/run - cash only during trial, Zelle available if entered at least 48 hours before the trial Prizes:
Ribbons are available for 1-3rd places. Only the highest score for each team will be used for placements. Registration:
To Register, teams must have an UpDog Team Number. Register at: https://updogchallenge.com/ Extra runs will be available at the end of the day with any remaining time. These runs do not count for placements. Maximum 10 runs/dog/day.
Contact us:
815-876-6796 [email protected] Classes: These are most likely the games we will play each day. Subject to change due to weather/wind. We will start each day with the agility game. Friday: Frizgility and Far Out Saturday: 7 Up, Throw and Go, Timewarp, and Boom Sunday: Funkey, Four Way Play, Spaced Out, and Greedy |
Animal Care Clinic 1616 N Main St, Princeton, IL 61356 Schedule: Friday 3:30-5 pm Check Ins and practice throws before classes 3:30 players meeting 3:45 start competition and play until dark Saturday and Sunday 8:30 am-1 pm Check In 8:30-9 am Practice Throws 9 am Player's Meeting Judges: Lynne Zinnel-main judge Lynette VandeVenter Levels: Level 1 for all classes Level 2 for Throw and Go and Frizgility Meals:
We plan to have a table with potluck lunch and snacks both Saturday and Sunday. That way anyone can eat whenever they have a break. Dish to share is optional. Join us for supper will be at the Prime Quarter in Princeton Sat evening as soon as the awards are done. https://www.primequarter.com/ |